Attila Zoltán Jenei

Conduct research at the Doctoral School of Informatics (institution of Budapest University of Technology and Economics). The PhD research focuses on the multimodal recognition of the Parkinson's disease.

Core skills:
Python, Matlab, RapidMiner
Areas of interest:
Signal Processing, Machine Learning, Data Science, Statistics, Biomedical Engineering, Health Care

Contact information:

Room: IB157
E-mail: jenei.attila.zoltan [@]

Current projects

  • OTKA-K program - Diagnostic possibilities of speech disorders caused by abnormal speech-forming organ lesions, neurological and psychiatric disorders using artificial intelligence (participation between 2021-2022)
  • OTKA-FK program - FORENSICspeech: Forensic Voice analysis using Hungarian follow-up voice database (participation between 2021-2024)
  • OTKA-K program - Automatic transcription and medical application of dysfluent and abnormal speech (participation from 2024)

Teaching activity

Holding practical and laboratory sessions, writing and correcting class assignments: Review and evaluation of professional reports and presentations:

Publication List

PhD Thesis

MSc Thesis

Scientific Students’ Associations Conference


  • Reading psychology
  • Playing guitar
  • Hiking
  • Swimming